• IQ, Test, Mensa, Child, Pregnancy, Intelligent Baby
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About Intelligence

General intelligence refers to the existence of a common ability that influences performance on mental ability measures.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an array of noncognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed

Early Stimulation

Babies are born with an innate need to learn. At birth, your baby's brain contains 100 billion of neurons.
1.1 - What determine Intelligence?
1.2 - How to change the environmental factors?
1.3 - How to change the genetic factors?
2.1 - What is Intelligence?
2.2 - General Intelligence - Factor 'G'
2.3 - Measurement of Intelligence - Scale Benet
2.4 - Coefficient Is Intellectual - IQ
2.5 - Multiple Intelligences
2.6 - Emotional Intelligence
2.7 - Social Intelligence
2.8 - Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
2.9 - Where in Human Brain Intelligence Reside?
2.10 - Factors Affecting Intelligence
2.11 - Children Are Smarter Every Day - Flynn Effect
2.12 - The Intelligent Living Longer
2.13 - Are You Smart or Just 'Clever' (Ready)?
2.14 - Fourteen Interesting Facts About Intelligence
2.15 - Famous People and their IQ Scores
3.1 - The "Project Family"
3.2 - The Sentient Pre-nate: What Every Parent Should Know
3.3 - Project Pre-learn
3.4 - Prenatal Infant Stimulation Program
3.5 - Milwaukee Study - Other Studies Related With Prenatal Stimulation
3.6 - The Glenwood State School
3.7 - Other Examples of IQ Increase
3.8 - Conclusions
4.1 - Preparation of the Mom
4.2 - Preparation of the Dad
4.3 - Environmental Pollution and Sex-Male Under Threat
5.1 - Learn the Most Suitable Period (Ovulation & Conception)
5.2 - Process of Conception
5.3 - The "Olympic Champion"
5.4 - Prince or Princess?
5.5 - Did you know ...?
6.1 - First Weeks
6.2 - Just Relax Mom - End of Shared Stress
6.3 - I'll Remember This Mom and Dad
6.4 - Bonding for Life - From Me to We
6.5 - Magical Music - Rhythms of Life
6.6 - Months 1-3 - Enriching Mom
6.7 - Month Four - Strengthening the Bond
6.8 - Month Six - Boogie Baby, Boogie!
6.9 - Month Seven - A Pleasing Personality
6.10 - Month Eight - Alert and Alive
6.11 - Month Nine - It is lightening!
6.12 - Month Ten - Let Me Outta Here!

Next Chapters 7 to 16